Build your own affordable vintage gear

Every music producer or audio engineer dreams of owning a vintage LA2A, 1176 1073, or any other classic unit. However, one glance at the price of an original version makes you glad we have access to plugins now. Even though the quality of plugins keeps getting better, sometimes owning an analog hardware device just adds […]
What is fader riding?

Many people use compression to reduce the dynamic range of a track. A compressor is nothing more than an automated volume control. In fact, before compression was even invented, real hands turned faders up and down during mixdown. A note that was a little too quiet could be turned up and notes too loud could […]
Fixing ground loop hum in the studio

Have you ever heard that annoying buzz coming out of your speakers? I certainly have been listening to that same old buzz for a while now and I finally decided to do something about it. As your studio expands with more effect processors, synthesizers, compressors, and pre-amps the studio becomes a complex living organism. Thin […]