Production Basics #4 – Intervals

In part 3 of this series about music production basics, we’ve introduced the major scale and the names of the black and white keys on a piano. In this part, we are going to learn a new scale, called the Minor scale and we’ll talk about intervals. Minor Scale In part 3 we’ve learned that […]
Production Basics #3 – Major Scales

In the first two articles, we focussed on rhythm. In part 3 of this production basics series, we are getting into melodic territory. But before we get to work on creating melodies we first have to talk about the system behind melodies. Let’s talk about scales. Mainly the Major scale. A melody is made of […]
Production Basics #2 – Rhythm II

In part 1 of this production basics series, you were introduced to some of the terms used to describe rhythm. Now that you know a thing or two about pulse, tempo, note length, and time signatures, let’s expand on this knowledge. We know that 4 quarter notes will fit into one bar, just like 8 […]
Production Basics #1 – Rhythm I

This is the first part of a series about music production aimed at beginners. Learning to write and produce your own tracks from scratch is a tough but very rewarding journey. To become an expert in the craft of music production you need to start with the basics. One of the fundamental parts of music […]
Electronic Music Production for Beginners

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to produce electronic music that could unite people from all across the globe? Music that touches people, makes them dance and forget all the struggles that life throws at them? Well, why not try it for yourself? […]